
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Monday, April 7, 2014

"They listen to you!"

A couple weeks ago I decided to go grocery shopping. With 3 children. Alone. Two stores, huge list, and rain. I'm a little crazy.

Anyways. I always start with a prep talk before we leave the van. Starts with the rules which usually are 1. Be quiet. 2. Listen to mommy. 3. Do what mommy says when she says it. 4. Keep hands on cart. 5. No grabbing/touching/whining/etc.

My husband thinks I am crazy for doing this every.single.time. We get out of the van. But I honestly believe it helps remind them of what I expect from them while in the store.

So I take all 3 in, get a cart, and start shopping. I keep repeating the same things basically. "Please put your hand back on the cart" "No, we don't need that kind we need this kind lets put that back" "No we do not need that " "Hands on cart" "Inside voices" etc. You get the picture. (Take note. I did my best not to let any thing get to me. I kept my voice kind, words kind, and kept reminding them what I wanted them to do) (Also note. My children never act perfect anywhere, because well they aren't perfect. No matter how many times I remind them to keep hands on carts, they get excited over something and grab.touch.etc.)

Anyways. Finally, one massive grocery cart full later we arrive at the check out. No lines, thankfully. Another plus for going grocery shopping early in the morning. I'm unloading the cart, and the kids are "helping" (you know that kinda help, throwing things up on the line(I'm a little OCD about that) etc.)

Finally that cart is empty and I pull the cart up to start loading the bags that are piling up.

"Are they all yours?" (Don't you just love that question?) The cashier asked.

*Smiling to hold back what I really want to reply with* "Yes, all 3 are mine."

"They are gorgeous. You look so young. And they are actually listening to you," She sounded shocked, like a child listening to their mother is just crazy now days.

"Yeah. I have learned that having patience with them gets them to listen to me better. That and speaking quietly and nicely to them helps alot too."

She honestly looks at me like I am speaking a foreign language.

"I can't believe how well they listen to you,"

Yep. There are times where I am "that" mom in walmart and my kids are "those" kids in walmart(any store really). But I try sooo hard to teach them how to act at all times. While inside any where, have inside voices, be respectful of everyone around you, and only say kind things. And sometimes it all backfires and I leave in tears and dragging a kicking and screaming child out to the van. But sometimes, it goes smoothly and I get conversations like above. I'm trying. And that's the best I can do.

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