
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Proverbs 31:25-27

Proverbs 31:25-27
     She is clothed with strength and dignity,
           and she laughs without fear of the future.
     When she speaks, her words are wise,
           and she gives instructions with kindness.
     She carefully watches everything in her household
           and suffers nothing from laziness.

I have been reading in Proverbs for a few days. Finally read the whole book of Proverbs. I found so many great quotes in that book, I even started writing them down so I can quickly find them and remind myself of some of them. The one above I came across this morning. Sure, I've seen the quotes on pinterest with this saying. But I never read the actual verse before. I read all of Proverbs 31. And found so much that I could relate to.

As mothers, our work is never done. We have breakfast, lunch, supper, snacks, cleaning, organizing, planning, budgeting, doctor appointments, play dates, school(home school or other!) the demands on a wife and mother are endless. Some days, okay most days, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get every single thing done that needs to be done!

That verse really spoke to me this morning. It seems like, every day I am spending at least an hour trying to redo our budget to make it better, to come out better next month, but honestly. It doesn't change. No matter what I do, the budget isn't going to get any better. We have what we have. The Lord provided us with this budget and we need to find ways to live within it. I want to laugh without fear of the future.  But how do I do that? 

"When she speaks her words are wise, she gives instructions with kindness" Really got to me. My children look to me for instructions everyday. They learn from me, every single day. Every thing that I do, they are watching. And when I get stressed and say hateful things and use tones that cause them to get upset, I'm not instructing with kindness. I honestly need to work on this. Starting today.

"She carefully watches everything in her house hold, and suffers nothing from laziness."  -I personally hate being lazy. I hate having lazy mornings/afternoons/days. My husband is all for a lazy day on Sunday. But I can't stand it. I would rather be up doing something then sitting and watching tv for hours. This part reminds me to keep at it. The more I do, the better for my family, my self, my house hold, my life. A break is nice, believe me, that's how I'm writing this. But for me, being productive makes me feel better. 

I have a LOT to work on from this verse. I'm going to stick it some where i will see it many times a day(kitchen sink maybe?!) and I am going to do everything in my power to work on it. Also, I'm going to ask for guidance and strength to figure it all out from the Lord. With him all things are possible. 

I hope this encourages you like it has me! 

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