
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Green. With Envy?

While catching up on one of my favorite shows last night, one of the characters is the Wicked Witch of the West. Now growing up, I always thought of her in the black outfit with matching hat, flying monkeys, melting... you know the story, right?

This put her in a different perspective. She wore green clothes, green necklace, and when she became envy of something/someone, she literally turned green!(The wicked witch of the west in the wizard of oz was also green, I know. But I never thought of it this way before) The wicked witch was green with envy.

                                                                    Photo credit.

Did your neighbors come home with a brand new vehicle? All shiny and sparkly and nothing at all wrong with it? While your 11 year old vehicle sits in the drive way with a rust spot, stained seats, air that doesn't work right, windows that don't roll down any more? And any number of issues that you haven't even noticed yet? Did you feel that tiny spark of envy when they showed it off to you? All happy and excited over it?

Did a friend on facebook just buy a new house. A house way too big for their family, but it would be perfect for your family? A house that is clean, new, with no leaking pipes, no floors messing up, no marks on all the walls from children?

Did a friend get a new washer and dryer set and brag about it to you? While your washer or dryer isn't working, or is so old you can't even remember when you bought it?

Did a family member announce something that you want? A new engagement, promotion, baby, etc.?

Anything can spark envy. It's so easy. Friends that don't have children and get to go out on the weekends and just do whatever they want? While you are at home, doing dishes, putting kids in bed, and fighting to stay up past 10pm. Someone bragging about their baby sleeping all night, and you sigh because none of yours sleep all night just yet.

Take a breather. Look around. Your car may not be brand new. But maybe it is paid off. Maybe it's exactly what you need for your family. And at least you have a vehicle, may not be the best but it gets the job done. And the house that you aren't so proud of anymore? It holds memories. Bringing your baby home. Babies first steps, the Christmas's spent there, the other holidays and letting the kids help decorate. It's your home. Your walls to paint, your leak to fix, and at least your children always have a safe place to come home to. Friends new washer and dryer? Bet they paid a pretty penny for them. Those sitting in your laundry room are more then likely paid off. (If not, you probably didn't pay as much as they are.) And if its the washer thats broken, google. I have found ways to wash clothes in the sink and bathtub! And if it's the dryer? Easy. Hang your clothes outside to dry. Too cold? Around your house. (Mine has been broken since Jan. of this year. It's now April. I'm used to not having one finally!)  That big announcement? Your time will come. Be patient. Pray.

I'm writing this for my self. There are so many things that can make you envy. Someone else who is skinny after having children. Someone going on vacation. A new car, house, baby, pet. We all have bouts with envy. But how we handle it is more important. Remember what you have. Remember what God has blessed you with. And pray to be happy for the other people. Don't become the wicked witch of the west, green with envy.

Monday, April 7, 2014

"They listen to you!"

A couple weeks ago I decided to go grocery shopping. With 3 children. Alone. Two stores, huge list, and rain. I'm a little crazy.

Anyways. I always start with a prep talk before we leave the van. Starts with the rules which usually are 1. Be quiet. 2. Listen to mommy. 3. Do what mommy says when she says it. 4. Keep hands on cart. 5. No grabbing/touching/whining/etc.

My husband thinks I am crazy for doing this every.single.time. We get out of the van. But I honestly believe it helps remind them of what I expect from them while in the store.

So I take all 3 in, get a cart, and start shopping. I keep repeating the same things basically. "Please put your hand back on the cart" "No, we don't need that kind we need this kind lets put that back" "No we do not need that " "Hands on cart" "Inside voices" etc. You get the picture. (Take note. I did my best not to let any thing get to me. I kept my voice kind, words kind, and kept reminding them what I wanted them to do) (Also note. My children never act perfect anywhere, because well they aren't perfect. No matter how many times I remind them to keep hands on carts, they get excited over something and grab.touch.etc.)

Anyways. Finally, one massive grocery cart full later we arrive at the check out. No lines, thankfully. Another plus for going grocery shopping early in the morning. I'm unloading the cart, and the kids are "helping" (you know that kinda help, throwing things up on the line(I'm a little OCD about that) etc.)

Finally that cart is empty and I pull the cart up to start loading the bags that are piling up.

"Are they all yours?" (Don't you just love that question?) The cashier asked.

*Smiling to hold back what I really want to reply with* "Yes, all 3 are mine."

"They are gorgeous. You look so young. And they are actually listening to you," She sounded shocked, like a child listening to their mother is just crazy now days.

"Yeah. I have learned that having patience with them gets them to listen to me better. That and speaking quietly and nicely to them helps alot too."

She honestly looks at me like I am speaking a foreign language.

"I can't believe how well they listen to you,"

Yep. There are times where I am "that" mom in walmart and my kids are "those" kids in walmart(any store really). But I try sooo hard to teach them how to act at all times. While inside any where, have inside voices, be respectful of everyone around you, and only say kind things. And sometimes it all backfires and I leave in tears and dragging a kicking and screaming child out to the van. But sometimes, it goes smoothly and I get conversations like above. I'm trying. And that's the best I can do.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Proverbs 31:25-27

Proverbs 31:25-27
     She is clothed with strength and dignity,
           and she laughs without fear of the future.
     When she speaks, her words are wise,
           and she gives instructions with kindness.
     She carefully watches everything in her household
           and suffers nothing from laziness.

I have been reading in Proverbs for a few days. Finally read the whole book of Proverbs. I found so many great quotes in that book, I even started writing them down so I can quickly find them and remind myself of some of them. The one above I came across this morning. Sure, I've seen the quotes on pinterest with this saying. But I never read the actual verse before. I read all of Proverbs 31. And found so much that I could relate to.

As mothers, our work is never done. We have breakfast, lunch, supper, snacks, cleaning, organizing, planning, budgeting, doctor appointments, play dates, school(home school or other!) the demands on a wife and mother are endless. Some days, okay most days, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get every single thing done that needs to be done!

That verse really spoke to me this morning. It seems like, every day I am spending at least an hour trying to redo our budget to make it better, to come out better next month, but honestly. It doesn't change. No matter what I do, the budget isn't going to get any better. We have what we have. The Lord provided us with this budget and we need to find ways to live within it. I want to laugh without fear of the future.  But how do I do that? 

"When she speaks her words are wise, she gives instructions with kindness" Really got to me. My children look to me for instructions everyday. They learn from me, every single day. Every thing that I do, they are watching. And when I get stressed and say hateful things and use tones that cause them to get upset, I'm not instructing with kindness. I honestly need to work on this. Starting today.

"She carefully watches everything in her house hold, and suffers nothing from laziness."  -I personally hate being lazy. I hate having lazy mornings/afternoons/days. My husband is all for a lazy day on Sunday. But I can't stand it. I would rather be up doing something then sitting and watching tv for hours. This part reminds me to keep at it. The more I do, the better for my family, my self, my house hold, my life. A break is nice, believe me, that's how I'm writing this. But for me, being productive makes me feel better. 

I have a LOT to work on from this verse. I'm going to stick it some where i will see it many times a day(kitchen sink maybe?!) and I am going to do everything in my power to work on it. Also, I'm going to ask for guidance and strength to figure it all out from the Lord. With him all things are possible. 

I hope this encourages you like it has me! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Point & Snap.

Getting a picture of all 3 of my children looking at the camera and smiling is basically impossible.

No matter what bribes I have, no matter what the person behind me is doing, someone is always looking the wrong direction, whining, sometimes crying, making a mad mean face, or just totally off in la la land. But I still try. I spend like 30 minutes at a time trying to get all 3 to look at me. To get that perfect picture. Ya know, the three children, all CLEAN, SMILING, LOOKING AT THE CAMERA, sitting perfectly. But seriously? That rarely happens!(It's never happened here haha)

 But when I go back and look at the pictures. Even though children are looking in the wrong directions, making mean/funny faces, it's all still perfect to me. Each one is showing their personality. And honestly, those pictures with three kids doing something totally different, thats my life right now. 3 young children, trying to grow into their own personalities, trying to understand this world and all thats in it. Trying to learn about God and life and still have fun like kids do. So don't get discouraged when your photo's don't turn out perfect, like those ones on pinterest. Because honestly, a picture like that wouldn't be true. Well it wouldn't be for us. Right now, our life is crazy, A fun crazy.

 A crazy with three littles one doing what they do best. So point that camera, and snap a billion pictures. Because one day, they are going to be grown and gone(Although my two oldest promise they are going to live with mama for ever and ever. :) ) and these pictures are going to be all thats left of their childhood. And honestly, these pictures are going to be the best. Not the ones with 3 perfect smiling children looking the same direction etc. But those pictures of three children laughing looking at each other, making funny faces at Daddy who is behind me trying to get everyone to look at the camera, that whiny face in the back ground and that funny face to the side. All those pictres are going to be great little memories and falsh backs one day. So keep snapping away. :)


Sorry for the short break. You know life, it just happens. Things happen unexpectedly and they can knock you off your feet. This past week has been a rough one for me. I honestly questioned everything from my faith to my husband to my family. I think everyone, at some time or another, goes through this. And let me tell you, it's no fun at all.

I took a break from everything, reading my bible, blogging, online, I sorta paused my life for a couple days. Trying to make sense of something and trying to see God's plan. But thats silly, because things happen and sometimes we never know God's plan or reasoning. We just have to remember that no matter what happens, God is still there. He is helping, teaching, showing, loving, always. And I really have to remember that!

While having my quiet time this morning, (with 3 kids running around of course. So it's really like a mommy time out where I tune them out and just try and focus on my bible) I came across these verses that seem to just hit me really hard and mean alot to me right now. I thought I would share them, in hopes that they will touch you as well.

These are from my Life Application Study Bible (NLT version)

Proverbs 20:24
The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?

Psalm 37:23,24
The Lord directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Though they may stumble, they will never fall for the Lord holds them by the hand.

Proverbs 21:30
No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord.

I hope you all can find some peace in these verses like I have. Being a wife and mother is hard. We plan budgets, days, weeks, and everything else. But yet, life happens, the Lord has plans made for us already. And we have to remember to hold onto Him during the bad and the good times. And remember that even through the bad parts of His plan, He is trying to teach us something, trying to show us something, maybe trying to test our faith, theres so much to his plans that we do not see. That we may never ever see. But we have to remember that he wants whats best for us, and his plans always work out. What's that saying? When you make plans God laughs at them? His plans are better, I'm sure. 

So today, pray for guidance, wisdom, strength, and love. Pray that when the hard times come you have the strength to get through them with Lord. Because hard times sneak up on you, and can cause you to stumble. Just rememebr that the Lord is always holding your hand, even when you try to turn away. He's always there.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A new day.

I used to lay in bed as long as the kids would allow me to. Then, I would be awakened by 2-3 screaming children, wanting something to drink, something to eat, needing to potty, needing a diaper, whining becuase they are cold, or someone touched their favorite toy or something went missing in the night. The list really just goes on an on.

As you can imagine,(and I'm sure most of you know what I mean!) waking up like this isn't the best start to the day. I would wake up, get stressed out, get angry, and start having a break down all within thirty minutes of my feet hitting the floor.

I decided that that wasn't the mommy I wanted my children to remember. I wanted them to wake up to a happy mommy, who was ready to read with them, make breakfast, and have fun. Not a mommy who was stressed, yelling, running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

So I changed it. I now make my self get up when my husband does for work. (6am, oh joy!) (AND usually 1-2 of my children are up by 6 :30) Anyways. I get up when he does, I make coffee, make the bed, do a quick clean up of anything I may have forgotten the night before, and then I grabd my bible, hot coffee, and I read. I pray. I read. I pray. No tv, no cell phone, no radio, no computer. Just a lamp, my couch and blanket, hot coffee(must!) and my bible. It's my only quiet of the day.

Now, as you're reading this. You think I'm crazy. Getting up WAY earlier then I *need* to, because with kids sleep is precious! Believe me! I know! My daughter is 5 and still does NOT sleep all night. I used to read about mothers doing this same thing. Getting up early, having quiet bible time. And I thought they were crazy.

Here is Ryder sleeping on my one morning. He is normally the first one always up. And sometimes, during quiet time(even if they get up I keep the tv's off etc. for my quiet time) he falls back asleep for awhile on mama.

But now I know. This works. It's now 7 35 AM and some how all 3 of my children are still in bed.(I am in no way saying this will make your children sleep later. I'm sure mine are still asleep from not sleeping well the past 2 nights!) I spent an hour reading my bible and praying. I had two cups of coffee. My bed is made, kitchen is decent, and I'm still sitting here by my lamp with my blanket and no noise whatsoever except my 17 month olds noise maker(which is on the ocean sound, very relaxing).

Having my morning bible time makes me happy. As soon as the kids come out of their room I'm up helping them get dressed and get some breakfast. I'm not saying our days are peachy and perfect just because I do this. But I do tend to have better moods when I am able to do this and that makes for a better start to just about any day.

So what do you do? Do you have quiet time to you're self? A hobby that you do? Would love to hear how you start your day, or how you have your quiet time that helps keep the sanity. I hear someone waking up now, time to start this day with them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Maybe today should have been Monday......

So today has been rough. No real reason why. The weather is rainy and windy and cloudy and I believe that has put everyone in grumpy moods. Along with Ryder being up all night long. No sleep could be a factor for today's grumpiness.

I had a break down. You know, when one kid is screaming for lunch(that you end up making whatever he wants and he takes 3 bites and runs off because he is "done!"), another kid is whining about not having anyone to play with, and the toddler is screaming because the time change has totally messed him up! Then you have dishes, laundry,(oh wait! Can't do laundry because the dryer quit working over a month ago), anyways, back to my list. School time, cleaning, planning supper at some point, and the list just goes on an on.

And I lost it! Total crying fit, hid in my room, let it all out. The kids were a mess, house was a mess, and we just can never stay on our budget at all so that totally stresses me out. 

It was just one of those days where everything seemed to hit me at once. Everything wrong or messed up or whatever came right at me and hit me in the face. I'm sure you know those days.

In the middle of my "break down" I prayed. Prayed my heart out. Prayed for a way to change our situation in some way. A way for me to help my family and get away from the grumpiness, budget issues(those are never really fixed but thats life!) and a way for us to be happy.

It took a while, but a couple hours later after a much needed nap for the two boys, everyone is in good moods. Kids are playing happily(wow!) together and while the house is still a mess, that's okay. It's almost time for David to get home from work. Maybe I can get the kids to join me in a 5 minutes quick clean up of the house.  But then again maybe not. Maybe I'll let him see the chaos from a fun afternoon with 3 children. ;)

& yes my 17 month old is making a duck face at the camera... It's a front facing camera on my phone, sorry for the horrible quality. :)