
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Point & Snap.

Getting a picture of all 3 of my children looking at the camera and smiling is basically impossible.

No matter what bribes I have, no matter what the person behind me is doing, someone is always looking the wrong direction, whining, sometimes crying, making a mad mean face, or just totally off in la la land. But I still try. I spend like 30 minutes at a time trying to get all 3 to look at me. To get that perfect picture. Ya know, the three children, all CLEAN, SMILING, LOOKING AT THE CAMERA, sitting perfectly. But seriously? That rarely happens!(It's never happened here haha)

 But when I go back and look at the pictures. Even though children are looking in the wrong directions, making mean/funny faces, it's all still perfect to me. Each one is showing their personality. And honestly, those pictures with three kids doing something totally different, thats my life right now. 3 young children, trying to grow into their own personalities, trying to understand this world and all thats in it. Trying to learn about God and life and still have fun like kids do. So don't get discouraged when your photo's don't turn out perfect, like those ones on pinterest. Because honestly, a picture like that wouldn't be true. Well it wouldn't be for us. Right now, our life is crazy, A fun crazy.

 A crazy with three littles one doing what they do best. So point that camera, and snap a billion pictures. Because one day, they are going to be grown and gone(Although my two oldest promise they are going to live with mama for ever and ever. :) ) and these pictures are going to be all thats left of their childhood. And honestly, these pictures are going to be the best. Not the ones with 3 perfect smiling children looking the same direction etc. But those pictures of three children laughing looking at each other, making funny faces at Daddy who is behind me trying to get everyone to look at the camera, that whiny face in the back ground and that funny face to the side. All those pictres are going to be great little memories and falsh backs one day. So keep snapping away. :)

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