
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Maybe today should have been Monday......

So today has been rough. No real reason why. The weather is rainy and windy and cloudy and I believe that has put everyone in grumpy moods. Along with Ryder being up all night long. No sleep could be a factor for today's grumpiness.

I had a break down. You know, when one kid is screaming for lunch(that you end up making whatever he wants and he takes 3 bites and runs off because he is "done!"), another kid is whining about not having anyone to play with, and the toddler is screaming because the time change has totally messed him up! Then you have dishes, laundry,(oh wait! Can't do laundry because the dryer quit working over a month ago), anyways, back to my list. School time, cleaning, planning supper at some point, and the list just goes on an on.

And I lost it! Total crying fit, hid in my room, let it all out. The kids were a mess, house was a mess, and we just can never stay on our budget at all so that totally stresses me out. 

It was just one of those days where everything seemed to hit me at once. Everything wrong or messed up or whatever came right at me and hit me in the face. I'm sure you know those days.

In the middle of my "break down" I prayed. Prayed my heart out. Prayed for a way to change our situation in some way. A way for me to help my family and get away from the grumpiness, budget issues(those are never really fixed but thats life!) and a way for us to be happy.

It took a while, but a couple hours later after a much needed nap for the two boys, everyone is in good moods. Kids are playing happily(wow!) together and while the house is still a mess, that's okay. It's almost time for David to get home from work. Maybe I can get the kids to join me in a 5 minutes quick clean up of the house.  But then again maybe not. Maybe I'll let him see the chaos from a fun afternoon with 3 children. ;)

& yes my 17 month old is making a duck face at the camera... It's a front facing camera on my phone, sorry for the horrible quality. :)

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