
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A new day.

I used to lay in bed as long as the kids would allow me to. Then, I would be awakened by 2-3 screaming children, wanting something to drink, something to eat, needing to potty, needing a diaper, whining becuase they are cold, or someone touched their favorite toy or something went missing in the night. The list really just goes on an on.

As you can imagine,(and I'm sure most of you know what I mean!) waking up like this isn't the best start to the day. I would wake up, get stressed out, get angry, and start having a break down all within thirty minutes of my feet hitting the floor.

I decided that that wasn't the mommy I wanted my children to remember. I wanted them to wake up to a happy mommy, who was ready to read with them, make breakfast, and have fun. Not a mommy who was stressed, yelling, running around like a chicken with her head cut off.

So I changed it. I now make my self get up when my husband does for work. (6am, oh joy!) (AND usually 1-2 of my children are up by 6 :30) Anyways. I get up when he does, I make coffee, make the bed, do a quick clean up of anything I may have forgotten the night before, and then I grabd my bible, hot coffee, and I read. I pray. I read. I pray. No tv, no cell phone, no radio, no computer. Just a lamp, my couch and blanket, hot coffee(must!) and my bible. It's my only quiet of the day.

Now, as you're reading this. You think I'm crazy. Getting up WAY earlier then I *need* to, because with kids sleep is precious! Believe me! I know! My daughter is 5 and still does NOT sleep all night. I used to read about mothers doing this same thing. Getting up early, having quiet bible time. And I thought they were crazy.

Here is Ryder sleeping on my one morning. He is normally the first one always up. And sometimes, during quiet time(even if they get up I keep the tv's off etc. for my quiet time) he falls back asleep for awhile on mama.

But now I know. This works. It's now 7 35 AM and some how all 3 of my children are still in bed.(I am in no way saying this will make your children sleep later. I'm sure mine are still asleep from not sleeping well the past 2 nights!) I spent an hour reading my bible and praying. I had two cups of coffee. My bed is made, kitchen is decent, and I'm still sitting here by my lamp with my blanket and no noise whatsoever except my 17 month olds noise maker(which is on the ocean sound, very relaxing).

Having my morning bible time makes me happy. As soon as the kids come out of their room I'm up helping them get dressed and get some breakfast. I'm not saying our days are peachy and perfect just because I do this. But I do tend to have better moods when I am able to do this and that makes for a better start to just about any day.

So what do you do? Do you have quiet time to you're self? A hobby that you do? Would love to hear how you start your day, or how you have your quiet time that helps keep the sanity. I hear someone waking up now, time to start this day with them.

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