
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Realities Of Motherhood.

 Let's stop comparing.

So if you're here, chances are you have children. And chances are that you have read blogs that have made you feel bad about your self, your house, your children, your marriage, your life. Chances are you have tried to make your life like someone's you have read about on a blog (or anywhere really) because theirs looked so perfect. Their children (in the pictures that they decided to share of course) were always sparkly and clean and in name brand clothing and smiling perfectly at the camera. Their husbands looked more involved then yours, their house always looked clean and in perfect order. They were able to get out of their house with their children and actually DO things! While you were stuck at home, day after day, wondering what in the world you were supposed to be doing.

I've been there. More then once. And I hated it. I compared my life to blogs and instagrams and my life wasn't measuring up, at all.

So I got depressed. I wasn't happy with my life. My kids were loud, whiny, mean to each other half the time, refused to help me clean up most of the time, were stubborn, dirty alot from playing,eating, markers etc. My husband didn't build furinture from scratch! AND he hates to paint. He didn't take the kids out to the park by himself so I could have a couple hours of ALONE time. (Wait, what is alone time anyways?!?!)

My house is honestly never clean. I mean sure I spend hours every day cleaning in some way, but I have three children. These three children live here, all the time. They play here, they learn here, they love here, they have adventures here, this is their life. And I was trying to make my house as clean and perfect as those on those blogs and instagrams, and Pinterest! Can't forget that one!

It's okay to read blogs, follow people on instagram and have a billion boards on pinterest. But remember. This is your life. It will NEVER be perfect. Your children are going to cry(sometimes for hours!) they are going to scream and  fight and whine and make messes so fast you would swear they had super powers. Your husband is NOT perfect! He isn't going to be there to help you do every little thing 24/7 because he probably works out side of the home to support his family. And on weekends he may just feel like relaxing with you and the kids instead of painting the whole house in one weekend. (I tried that one, we got the living room and we haven't made it any farther!)

So my advice, look around you. You have your home and family. You have food and clothing. May not be name brand food or clothing(thats us!) but it works just as good. Be happy. Look at your blessings. God blesses all of us differently, because we are all on different paths. Remember to breathe, pray, and enjoy your children and life. (Yes, I know. This is ALL alot easier said then done. But try. Every day, try.)

I wanted a picture with all 3 kids. I wanted Taylor and Ryder at my sides and Denver in my arms. Ryder had other plans. But the picture still came out pretty great if I may say so.

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